Apply The Knowledge

Writer: Sharian Blagrove

"Knowledge isn't power until it is applied"- Dale Carnegie. During your lectures you always

ensure that you leave with a take-away. Whether it’s a quote or an example, to ensure that you

are able to apply this new-found knowledge to your life. You should always strive to apply the

knowledge that you have acquired through studies and work experiences to your current

situation. Sometimes this is difficult, as you may not know where and when to apply this

newfound knowledge. However, I find that if I can apply even a small amount of what I have

learned to the task at hand, it often makes a big difference. For example, when I am working

on a project, I will often try to think of how I can apply the principles of time management that

I have learned. This helps me to better understand how to complete a project or to find ways to

improve it.

There are many ways to apply newly found knowledge, but the first thing is to have an understanding of the knowledge. As university students, we have to understand that completing our degree and graduating Magna cum laude doesn’t make us more marketable to employers. It is what we do- the extra-curricular activities- that makes us, as applicants, stand out. Volunteering is a key factor that employers look for in new hires. If you volunteered at any given point during your years in university, then it's highly likely that you made some connections, developed leadership skills, and most importantly you were able to determine- or finalize the career path that is best for you. 

The path of volunteering is just the beginning, because now you are able to network with the connections formed during your time as an intern. It teaches you that with the right boost you are able to achieve great things. And you should always remember ‘Never be afraid to make the first move.’ Your path in life takes a sharp turn when you realize the value of internship. As a result of you making the first move, you are able to be more marketable because of your work experience(s). It also grooms you to be the professional you are meant to be. Hence, you develop attributes that every employer seeks in an applicant. They will see you as a person who is a critical thinker and a problem solver. Additionally, you also learn and become an efficient time manager. You are able to balance your work life, from your home life and school life because you ‘cracked the code’ to productivity.  It is drawing closer to your final year, and you would like to be proactive and write your resume. Now because you volunteered you have many achievements to add to your resume that will make you more marketable to your potential employer. After completing your resume, the next step is to prepare for an interview. How to dress appropriately, the do and don’ts as well as punctuality are key factors to take into consideration when preparing for an interview. 

When we are proactive it allows us to remain calm and collected during a process that is potentially stressful. In taking the first step, by volunteering you overcome hurdles that could possibly lead to disappointment.


  1. Wonderful info has open my eyes on certain things 👌🏾


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